The Trouble With Stars
The trouble with the stars
Is that they are so
Damn far out and sublime.
They give a sense of out there
That over-humbles the here,
Unmooring it from the present time.
These arbitrary constellations,
Like seeing camels in clouds
Or Minotaurs in Rorschach blots
Are just parlor room tricks,
The thick mascara of a wink
From across the ochred brass bar...
Nothing but frivolous temptations.
Better to stare into a dark void
Than blast off into space
And spend a lifetime
Racing toward an icy rock
That burned out
Long before its light
Had a chance
To make you feel alive
That one lonesome night.
We fall in love with bonfires raging
Across the summer valleys at dusk,
That burn down to embers
By the time we finally arrive.