Wednesday, November 4, 2009

That doesn't belong there...

This elderly (mid nineties) lady presented with nausea and profuse vomiting for a couple of days. An NG tube was placed and the above scan was obtained. What you're looking at is an incarcerated paraesophageal hernia complicated by a gastric volvulus. She was taken semi-emergently to the OR where the stomach was reduced from the thorax, the sac taken down, the hiatal crura reapproximated, and a gastropexy was performed. She actually recovered quite well...


Bongi said...

you da man! impressive. tell me it was laparoscopic and i will not be worthy.

Jeffrey Parks MD FACS said...

Not laparosocpic. End of day add on case. Just wanted to get it done quick, no dicking around.

Guiac said...

She lived huh? Nice work. Can't remember the last time I had someone with any sort of ischemic organ over the age of 90 make it out of the hospital.

rlbates said...


surg resident said...

Your posts make me want to graduate and be a general surgeon on the front lines of care like yourself.