The brazenly unrepentant Dick Cheney bragged to ABC News this weekend about his unvarnished support for waterboarding. Mind you, waterboarding is torture. It is illegal according to international and American law. Dick Cheney is a criminal. And he continues to shamelessly promote his distortions and lies on major news outlets.
KARL: ... waterboarding, clearly, what was your...
CHENEY: I was a big supporter of waterboarding. I was a big supporter of the enhanced interrogation techniques that...
KARL: And you opposed the administration's actions of doing away with waterboarding?
The sad reality is Dick Cheney couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag. He has got to get every one else to do his dirty work. If our government is willing to torture people abroad they will eventually torture their own citizens. These are war crimes under the Geneva Convention. I attach an article on Dr. Aafia Siddiqui who was tortured for 5 years. We take for granted our 1st, 5th, and 6th amendmant rights.
I will piss on Dick Cheney's grave before I die.
If Cheney is a criminal, so is Bush, but hey, at least they have legitimate Birth Certificates.
I mean, its really Eric Holder's fault, if theres so much damming evidence, bring Bush/Cheney before a DC Grand Jury, get indictments, then try them in Federal Court.
And if Holder's sitting on evidence, I believe that's a crime too, maybe he could indict himself for obstruction of justice.
President Cheney...has a nice ring to it.
Hopefully the spread of information in the electronic age through blogs and online news outlets will make it more difficult for a gov't official to openly admit to such acts in the future, and therefore be less likely to commit them. The problem is that the average citizen still doesn't have a real idea what Bush/Cheney authorized and what effect that has on our society. Keep up the good work, Watchdog Surgeon.
(Trader Bob apparently watches too many Alex Jones videos on YouTube).
Mr. Drackman, there's no difference between Obama/Biden and Bush/Cheney in real policies implemented. The Obama rhetoric is all a theatrical show. Do people really believe in the propaganda that Middle Eastern people hate us because we're free? They hate the US because we have military bases on their soil and we kill their families with the endless wars.
Attorney Andy probably beleives in the Warren report regarding the JKF assasignation, global warming, and the swine flu hype. You Attorney Andy are a sheep and an STC.
Video below is an Iraq war veterns account of his experience.
until we start decapitating the enemy and 'doing unto them as they do unto us'...I don't consider the US policy to be even close to torture.
Decapitation is not torture; it's murder. Torture as defined by Geneva, the UN Convention Against Torture, The international red Cross, Human Rights Watch, and US law involves such things as waterboarding, extreme sleep deprivation, cold exposure, wall slamming, mock executions and rapes, sensory deprivation, and forced stress positions. Cheney approved and implemented all of the above. He is a criminal.
My Residency Director forced me to undergo Extreme Sleep Deprivation, Forced Stress Positions(What IS that exactly)Sensory Deprivation, and the only reason he left out the Rape was he was he had more Med Student Poontang than you could shake a stick out...Is he a criminal too?? I mean besides the Date-Rape stuff...
Forced stress positions are exemplified by the pictures that came out of ABu Ghraib earlier this decade. Remember those? The ones that appalled a nation? That GW Bush attributed to a "few bad apples"?
Oh THOSE Forced Stress Postions....
Been there, Done That,
and Decapitation ISN'T TORTURE???
Good God Man, I want some of whatver it is that makes you say that...Ever see the Dan Pearl video?? Now THAT was torture...
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