Saturday, August 14, 2010

Between Cases

Nothing more awesome than spending a Saturday night waiting in the office for the OR room to turnover so you can start the second of three cases. It's hard to do anything real productive (like dictate charts or write a serious blog post) so I tend to screw around on YouTube. Here's Chet Baker tearing things up.


Anonymous said...

Umm Buckeye,
"OR" stands for Operating "Room" so saying "OR Room" just makes you look as stupid as those people who say "ATM MACHINE" or "Arab Terrorist"
"Tearing Things Up"????? Is that the kind of Music they play in Cleveland??? No wonder Lebron left.
For those rare Saturday Nites I'm stuck in the OR Room(now you've got ME saying it) I've got the following ready to go.

1: "Honky Tonk Saturday Nite" George Straight

2: "Saturday Night Special" Leonard Skinnard,

3: "Another Saturday Night" might have to turn in my Southern-Man Card, but I like the Cat Stevens, I mean, YUSEF ISLAM version better than Jimmy Islam, I mean Buffet's.

4: "Saturday Nite's alright for Fightin'" by Elton Islam, I mean John, who could live anywhere in the world, just like Lebron, but chose Atlanta,cause he's queer.
Elton I mean, not Lebron.

5: "S-A-T-U-R: NITE!" yeah, by those gay Bay City Rollers, so sue me, its still a catchy tune.


Jeffrey Parks MD FACS said...

Yeah Frank, I figured Chet Baker wasn't "twangy" enough for you. Go Bucks. Ranked #2.

Anonymous said...

Ohio States ranked #2 ???
Great, so if they can beat Miami and Penn St at home, guess they'll make it to Glendale???
Oh yeah, they got those Powerhouses Illinois, Minna-Soda, Wisconsin, and Iowa...Oooooohhh Ahhhhhhh
Where they'll get embarassed by the Champions of a REAL football conference...
Say what you will about the academics, you never saw Bear Bryant punching an opposing player.
His OWN players, yes, but not opposing players, its just not Bear Bryant-y.

Frank "SEC RULES" Drackman