Tuesday, September 18, 2012


This man is not fit to serve all Americans as President.  For the first time during the long election season, Romney actually presents his authentic, real self.  He is a crass elitist who sneers contempt for anyone not earning at least a quarter million a year.  Even Americans who fall into the 53% category, the majority of them at least know someone in the no net federal tax paying fold--- a parent who lost a job during the recession, a grandma on social security, a cousin in grad school, an old college friend with three kids who works as a school teacher and gets a small check from the IRS every year due to child credits and his mortgage deduction.  This is the Ayn Randian worldview on full display, without ornamentation. 
"It's not my job to worry about those people".   One won't find the source for this quote in the red verses of the King James New Testament.   
The Surgeon finds himself resigned to voting for a man who keeps Gitmo open, who assassinates American citizens on a "kill list", who has opened the Pandora's box of secret, unregulated drone warfare without any congressional oversight, who launched a war in Libya without authorization, who refuses to hold the torturers in the previous administration accountable for war crimes.  It is difficult to stave off a sense of cynicism when it comes to the increasingly corrupt American political stage.  


Attorney Andy said...

I generally agree, however I am not voting for Obama because of the reasons you list, nor should you. Vote for a 3rd party candidate, get the %s high enough to reduce, even slightly, the stranglehold the two parties have on our system.

Anonymous said...

I knew who he was the first time I looked into his eyes - was just waiting for him to fail in a very obvious way for everyone else to get it -- which did happen about a month ago...

It's not good to get on my shit list. I'm the type to wear the other guy's t-shirt just for spite.



Anonymous said...

II'm voting for 3rd party candidate Randy Thompson. IQ registers around drackman SEC 69 playboy level. Both party's are funded by the same companies so good luck