Thursday, March 20, 2008

Obamas race speech

This is a great read. Defusing a potential political snafu with intellect and compassion.....


Sid Schwab said...

I agree. What's dispiriting is the extent to which it's obvious that what people took from the speech depends on their preconceptions. Some of the comments on right-wing sites are so distant from what he said, that one realizes that real discourse is all but impossible. On any charged political subject.

Jeffrey Parks MD FACS said...

The sad thing, too, is that no one really has heard or read the speech because it's not reducible to sound byte form; you can't just show a snippet for 30 seconds during the "national" segment of the evening newscast. It's too complicated and profound. So it gets casually dismissed and instead the talking head spend all day yacking about the erevernd wright....

SmokeVanThorn said...

I thought comparing his grandmother to a man who believes the US had 9/11 coming and that whites invented AIDS was most inspiring.

You've become too silly to bother with anymore.

Jeffrey Parks MD FACS said...

svt..... that's an amazing bit of cut and paste analysis. Sadly, there are many in America who take your particular stance. Silly, indeed.