Former Vice President (and still war criminal) Dick Cheney may soon place himself on the list for a heart transplant, according to this WSJ article. Usually heart transplants are restricted to those patients younger than 70 (Cheney turns 70 next week). I say, let the old bastard get on the list, on the condition that he submits to being waterboarded as a live, pay per view event on HBO. He doesn't have to get the full KSM treatment (i.e. 187 waterboardings). Just once is good enough for me.
So you agree with Cheney that torture is ok if it's a really bad person?
Good to see your back posting Buckeye. I think a post on the #1 Buckeyes hoops squad is in order. I have to say I liked Dick being wheeled around rather than see him up walking and looking rather ghastly. I've been reading the Bible lately and still can't find any love in my heart for my fellow man Dick Cheney. I guess it has everything to do with the fact that he doesn't have any love in his heart for the million plus Iraqis who were killed unnecessarily in the war. Also the fact that Cheney still defends his enhanced interrogation techniques. I hope he gets a heart transplant and lives a long life here on earth but he will rot in hell once he dies.
No. I just think that Cheney needs to be waterboarded. He's such a fan. While we're at it, we also ought to illegally invade his palatial Halliburton-funded estate under fase pretences, innocent casualties be damned. Furthermore, let's eavesdrop (sans warrants) on all his phone conversations and email communications so we know exactly when UNOS has a heart available for him.
It warms my heart to think you spent a good ten minutes on a Suday googling data on the Lake Erie Monsters hockey squad. Go Bucks.
I think your confused Buckeye, sure its not Alzheimers?
Your supposed to hope Dick Chaney catches the Hiv-ie, its more ironic, and its something he could actually die from, unlike waterboarding, which is just sort of unpleasant, like a hemmorhoid.
And I'll have you know I spent THIRTY MINUTES fact checking my Cavs/Browns/Indians/Monster/Buckeye stats, Jeez, I didn't know Cleveland sucked as bad as they do, its fascinating almost, like reading the Cockpit Voice Recording on a particulary nasty Aircrash...
I think Dick Cheney getting waterboarded is a concept of "manifest destiny". Since Dick Cheney feels "American Exceptionalism" is enhanced interrogation techniques. Seems perfectly logical that we need him to manifest his destiny and be waterboarded. "You are either with the American people or your with the terrorists" said George W. Bush. I'm with the American people and they are not with you the terrorists who occupy nations in the name of making them more free and democratic.
Hey, did you see the Cavs beat the Celtics the other Night!!!!!!
Sorry, must be the LSD talking.
Cavs haven't won since December, thats 18 losses in a row, only 5 short of the record, that amazingly enough, isn't held by a team from Cleveland.
I perceived just a wisp of anger in your post. Interestingly, Obama has continued nearly all of Bush's domestic and foreign security policies. GITMO is alive and well. He punted on bring detainees into the criminal justice venue. President has signed off on killing an American citizen in Yemen without trial or charges. Eavesdropping everywhere. As far as homeland security and related policies, I don't see that much has changed, despite Obama's campaign speeches. The reason is when any president learns the stakes, he reaches the same conclusions. Luckily, this is not a partisan issue.
Maybe you should stick to medical writing.
I believe Obama's decision not to close Gitmo or investigate the war crimes of his predecessors has everything to do with politics. Imagine a Yemeni released from Gitmo, after nine years of detention, tortured, denied access to his family, never charged with a crime, who returns to the middle east a fully radicalized jihadi (would you blame him?). If said uncharged Gitmo graduate then masterminded a terrorist attack on American citizens and was identified as even a suspect in the case, then Obama's presidential bid for 2012 instantaneously becomes DOA. It's partisan alright. Winning elections is the number one job of a one term American President.
I disagree. (At least you will put your name to your comments.) You recall that when Obama campaigned, he was high on civil liberties, due process, etc. The left love this. This was the partisan phase. However, once he was seated in the big chair, and understood the ramifications of pulling back on nat'l security, he wisely retreated. I think that the political left and right agree now that Obama has essentially continued Bush's nat'l security policies. The stakes of partisanship here are too high. This is not tax or immigration policy. This is trying to minimize the risk of a catastrophe.
Hey Buckeye, whats the Over/Under on Cav's wins this year???
I'm guessin 13 based on there current record, hey, thats 8 more than the Browns won...
I have been a reader of your blog for a while. Im a Med student, currently in 3rd year. After reading this post and the ridiculous comment about Cheney I realize that you are like so many pathetic liberals in the medical field! I wont be back to this blog. Go back to your unicorns and rainbows, and good luck with your "health care for all". Your boy Obama is GREAT!
I plan to match in surgery. I will go out of my way to be uber conservative just to counter people like you!
Anon- Suit yourself. Defending a torture regime is quite an unusual way to proclaim one's "uber-conservatism" however.
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