The Beach
The lovers, once they’ve found
One another, and not before,
Find their way to the shore
Because the beach
Belongs to neither the sea
Nor the land
Though it partakes of each.
Then a long walk holding hands
On smoothed gray sand
Where waves collapse
And anoint our crimsoned feet.
Here, in this middle place
Where we cannot drown
Nor put any roots down
We walk. We breathe. We live.
Here, something is just beginning
Or finally ending, pending one's perspective.
It’s the one place where everything
We’ve ever wanted is one step away
Even as it all recedes from us.
So we saunter on
As if our lives depended on it
As far as the shore will take us
Turning neither right nor left
Neither land nor sea
Lost in the certainty
Of this seam of reality
That is neither one nor two
No longer me
But not quite you.
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