Monday, September 2, 2024


 Hello, Judas

Who would you have to see to know

For sure you were actually in heaven

And not some Potemkin village trick

Manufactured by a mendacious devil?

All the haloed angels and cherubs

Might be hired gun crisis actors

Even St Peter himself could be a fraudulent

Reptilian skinned demon beneath the toga. 

For some people, seeing a deceased Nana 

Or a still born son would clinch the deal

But not me. Even Christ

Himself could make an appearance

And I’d have my doubts

But if I saw Judas Iscariot

Minding his own business

Doing whatever it is Judas 

Would do in heaven

I’d let out a sigh of relief.

Everyone in heaven would know 

It was Judas except for Judas

I’d walk up to him and say Hello, Judas

At the same time he was saying it to me 


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